Friday, March 23, 2012

7 things about me!

Hey Bloggie readers, I have been tagged!!!! In the Versatile Blogger, blog thingy (unsure what to call it.) by I have to post 7 random facts about about me. Well, here we go!!

1.) Im a huge Anime fan and get a little upset when I get into 'fights' with Anais when she compares Japanese and Korean Animes to American cartoons. They are completly different in WAY more ways than one.

2.) I use kitty emoticons in text messages. My favorite one is =^.^=, Its a smiling cat. Cats are just cute, so stinking cute!

3.) I know a little Japanese and a little Spanish. My moms are teaching me. I suck now, but in a few years when Im in 12th grade I hope I can speak it a little better. Im trying to learn the characters for my name. Its not going so well. But I hope and the will to get better.

4.) I love to read..manga. Mangas are comicbook styled Japanese graphic novels. Most are a little too grown up for me but some like Clannad arent. They arent in color, well most of them arent. You read them 'backwards'. Thanks to mw reading manga for all these years I read everything, including American magazines back cover first.

5.) My most favorite colors are blue and green. Not traditional girl colors, but awesome colors anyways. Not to meantion Fionna wears those colors. To me blue and green seem to be cool and calm colors, so relaxing.

6.) Im a HUGE, MASSIVE fan of the animated cartoon show Adventure Time!!! My most favorite character off of the show is Fionna the Human. She's from the episode Fionna and Cake. That episode is a new favorite of mine, but I hate absolutly hate the ending. I dont want to spoil the episode but Fionna is one kick-butt action packed girl like me. We could be twins, well not really but then again twins dont have to look the same.

7.) This is my biggest random fact, Im still kinda afraid of the dark. I know it makes no sense, a highschooler being afraid of the dark. But I cant help it. I have to sleep with my window curtains open to let the moon light fill my bedroom with light. My glow and the dark stars kinda help. I not ashamed of this, everyone has fears. So why be ashamed of them? All of my friends know and sometimes we joke about it. But the jokes dont bother me. They are just jokes.

Here are my 7 random facts, enjoy.

For reading this far you get a bonus fact

Bonus- I love my blog readers and followers. Im very thankful of all of you and if I could I would hug you all in a totally non creepy creeper way.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Where have I been?

You may have wondered, 'Hey, where have Ushi been? I missed her strange little self'. Well thanks for worrying. Im back now, so worry no more.

First lets get the boring stuff out of the way, I didnt go the new york. I know, sad face. I really wanted to go but 'something' came up. Im not sure what something is, Im just telling you want mom told me.

Now thats that is over with I can give you all loads of cyber hugs for still sticking around with me, I think I even got a new follower and you all commented on my last blog.

Comments make me happy.

I promise you guys (and girls) that I will try to at least blog once a week.

Its pretty early over here in philadelphia so I have to leave for school, ill try to update this when I get back in.

And oh yeah I finally seen the new episodes of Adventure Time, well they are new to me but old to everyone else.